1) The Power of Less by Leo Babauta

The old saying is true. Less is really more!

These days we’re all exceptionally busy. The Power of Less provides six essential productivity principles that will change your life.

Less is powerful. We’ve all had the feeling of being stretched too thin and know that at these times we don’t tend to put out our best work. Focus on those things that will make the most impact in order to best utilize your time. Apply this principle to all areas of your life and you will see the benefits!

Set limits. You’re only one person and can only do so much. Taking a hard look at all of your business activities and prioritizing those activities will help free up your time for the important tasks. Emails, blog subscriptions, phone calls and the internet are common causes of wasted time. Analyzing, adjusting and testing changes in your current patterns will make for excellent new habits.

Choose the essential and simplify. It’s time to ask yourself some hard questions. What are your goals and values? What do you love the most about your business and what is most important to you? What has the most short-term and long-term impact? What do you need versus what do you want? Once you have clear answers, you can eliminate the non-essential. Continually review and revise your goals as necessary.

Focus. Although multitasking is required in business, keeping multiple balls in the air means that none of them get your full attention. It helps to stay present and focus on one goal and task at a time. It helps to be aware and keep a positive outlook. Set daily routines that will help you personally and professionally.

Create new habits. Focus on improving only one area of your business or personal life. Gradual changes can make a long-lasting impact. Focus on one goal at a time. Start exercising. Eat more fruits and vegetables. As you begin achieving your goal and it becomes a regular routine, your success will motivate you to continue making further improvements.

Start small. Don’t bite off more than you can chew or you may end up choking. Begin with simple achievable goals and take one step at a time. By focusing your full attention on one goal, you are much more likely to succeed. Once you achieve your goal and it becomes a habit, you will have the confidence to take on another goal.


2) Built to Sell by John Warrillow

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re an entrepreneur or business owner. Are you clear on the end-goal for your business? Most entrepreneurs want more money and free time, yet many get lost in running their business and end up with their business running them.

Do you have an exit strategy? Where do you want your business to go?

Through an account of a fictional business, Built to Sell conveys an easy-to-follow plan to transform the protagonist’s business. It focuses on three key criteria every business must meet to succeed.

It’s teachable. A business intended for sale must offer products and services that employees or programs can deliver without you.

It’s valuable. Focus on doing one thing better than anyone else to avoid worries about pricing or market share.

It’s repeatable. Recurring revenue is essential for a successful business. Ensure customers need to purchase your product or service often.

Built to Sell also includes a valuable step-by-step guide for creating a business that can thrive without you. Wasn’t that the point of starting your business in the first place?


3) Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profit, Passion, and Purpose by Tony Hsieh

The advent of social media has taught us the importance of relationships with customers.

Delivering Happiness focuses on the belief that happiness can be used as a model both in business and in life.

Everyone wants to be happy. These days, providing exceptional service requires going above and beyond.

How can you ensure your clients always walk away smiling, wanting to do more business with you? How can you make your team excited to work with you each day?

Inspire and be inspired. Lead by example and learn from examples. What inspires you and how can you apply that to inspire others?

Connect with like-minded people. Surround yourself with individuals that will inspire you. Whether you connect to colleagues, clients or associates, both you and your business will benefit.

Educate and empower others to create happiness. Happiness is contagious, so share it! Everyone deserves to be happy!

Create meaningful experiences. There is no greater impact than providing real value. These days, marketing is not about the hard sell – it’s about education and relationships.

This book is Tony Hsieh’s personal entrepreneurial story, and that of his company, Zappo, and it’s a feel-good look at passion, culture, and happiness as drivers of a new generation of companies.


4) The Power of Giving by Azim Jamal and Harvey McKinnon

It’s very true that the more you give, the more you have.

The Power of Giving focuses on the impact giving has on our own lives. We all have something to share.

Often in our busy lives, we think we don’t have the time, resources, or ability to offer anything, but that is not the case.

What you have to contribute comes in many forms, not only money. Love, laughter, leadership, and skills can also be donated.

Considering what you can best contribute will make you feel even better in the long run. Giving is good for the soul and you have unique gifts to offer, regardless of your situation.

Corporate giving also has promotional potential for your business, but that is not the motivational focus the authors promote. What you give comes from the heart. That is what truly resonates.

Giving the things that you want for yourself brings you a true understanding of the power of giving. This book demonstrates just how to create true abundance.