Emotions are your informers and your responses to everything important that happens to you. They motivate, empower, and inspire you to innovate and create, giving you greater and faster access to profitability and success. Emotions are essential to the activation of ethical values and the ability to build trusting and profitable business relationships. That is why emotional intelligence, or EQ, is so valuable to individuals and organizations. DemGen is currently building the team EQ by working our way through reading material and weekly exercises.

Emotions are a continually flowing energy source that affects every aspect of life. Growing your EQ shifts the form of this energy and changes your experience of work, life, and relationships with others. While it’s true that excessive emotion can disrupt reasoning and analysis, it’s also true that lack of emotion can be even more damaging to a person’s career or to an organization. We often do ‘more of the same only harder’ when we encounter adversity; in most situations this does not serve us well. EQ development gives you the tools to respond differently with intuitive, creative wisdom, passionate insights, and purpose-directed choices.

You can systematically apply and develop more EQ in your personal life and your work. Growing in emotional literacy builds personal confidence and competence through practical intuition, emotional honesty, integrity, and energy. Developing emotional fitness grows your authentic presence, trust, resilience, renewal, and use of constructive discontent. Emotional depth enhances your unique potential and purpose; inspires commitment, accountability, and conscience; deepens integrity and increases your influence. The skills of emotional alchemy increase your intuitive flow, reflective time-shifting ability, sensing of opportunities, and your strategic creation of the future.

Group intelligence depends on EQ to be the collaborative and creative cement to a collective IQ. It is prized and cultivated by the world’s top enterprises and undervalued by most others. Effective teams solve problems and seize opportunities by building trust and rapport, sharing talents and opinions, and giving constructive and supportive commentary. High EQ networks of individuals are able to create immediate breakthroughs that can be critical to success!