You can guide your feelings and senses towards daily solutions by consciously raising your level of attentiveness, questioning and curiosity to fuel your practical intuition. Doing so makes a breakthrough far more likely.

Intuition may inspire you to defy prevailing trends, established policies or common knowledge – all of which take great courage – but when you ignore your gut feelings, you risk future performance.

Put practical intuition into action in your business – value and grow your emotional connectedness to yourself and to others.

When you read each of the following suggestions, think how well you currently do with each one and also how you might strengthen your ability. Writing down specific examples or circumstances can be very helpful.

Make transparent emotional connections. Wishing that others automatically know what you feel, think, want or need will not make it happen. People make wrong assumptions and have negative thoughts when feelings are not made clear. Fantasy issues of any sort undermine productive and creative collaboration. Communicate what you feel as well as what you think to minimize confusion.

Make eye contact a trait to live by. The eyes do not lie. How well do you do this already, and will you now choose to practice it in your daily interactions?

Become aware of what moves you emotionally to help you expand your sensing of what moves others. Careful attention to tone of voice, eyes, expressions, manner of speech and body posture increases your understanding and empathy. Ask kind and direct questions to clarify what others truly feel.

Take plenty of ‘moments of silence’. Listen to your inner voice and allow others to listen to theirs. Tune in to your gut and ask yourself questions to consciously inform your intuitive feelings. You can enhance this ability and use it to ‘listen’ on a deeper level to your own feelings and those of others.

Grow your insight by suspending the voice of judgment. Tune in to the impressions and sensations of intuition and to the deeper information they bring. Sense your full range of gut feelings and intuitive signals. Ask yourself for specific intuitive impressions. Brainstorm for felt impressions, an important problem-solving step that informs you before making judgments or choices.

Value the inevitable moments of fear. Use them to constructively activate and motivate you. Fear can inform you and call you to action. Feel and move through the experience, learning and evolving.

Find and enroll others who use intuition in order to support and promote your own new habits.

With conscious practice, you will establish new habits of practical intuitive powers and ‘felt’ connections that keep you and your workplace team in the payoff zone.

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