image  When you start to feel like the sharks are circling, regrets are piling up and being a victim is getting tiring, that’s when you realize that when it comes to your business, the opinion of others around you isn’t what counts.

Though it may look that way, other business owners aren’t really worrying about you, unless your business is the one that they are trying to outsell. Scarcity of sales, leading to low financial gains can have you realizing that paying more attention to other’s wishes instead of your own are what led to this situation.

Insecurity can cause a lot of business owners to second guess their own desires and what’s best for their business. If you find yourself anxious over what someone else may think of steps that you are taking to improve your business, then you are taking a back seat to what others think you are capable of. It’s fine for you to listen to opinions of the moves you are making but don’t let those opinions sway major decisions that can affect your business negatively. Acknowledge your own feelings in your business, thanks others for their opinions and stay on your own path. Decision making is part of the business process so don’t limit yourself to only the suggestions that are given to you. Have faith that your ideas are relevant and can solve customer problems.

One of your biggest regrets could be having others make decisions for you, rather than making mistakes (or great choices!) on your own. Creativity within your own business shows that you have the potential to make your business a great one and the stronger you are, the less you will be apt to rely on what someone else has to say about the choices you are making. We all like to be liked and have our decisions affirmed but step outside of the crowd and realize that originality is very important in business. It’s what counts with your customers and makes you unique and your products and services more sought after.

Realizing your value to your customers means taking responsibility for your business choices and offering them the best. What is of value to them is also of value to you as a business owner. We can sabotage ourselves when we over think our business decisions instead of going with what comes natural to us, not what everyone else thinks should be natural.

You won’t be able to please everyone with your business decisions, so please your customers and yourself first. Your approval should come from within, not from outside sources and opinions. Be who you want to be within your business and make your business stand out by putting your stamp on it. Taking control of your own feelings regarding your business will be a big step in learning that your opinions come first.

© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc. 2014