Everyone likes to think their team is just a tad (ok, a LOT) better than the others out there.

They like to think their way works the best and that everyone should want to work with them.

Demgen is a little bit different. Though there are other virtual teams out there with varying skill sets and abilities, none of them can hold a candle to our team.

1. We won’t work with just anyone. We believe in order for a partnership to work, there must be common factors. The way you look at life and your business must mesh with our outlook. It makes for a win-win situation.

2. We really do work virtually. Many teams actually tele-commute from a central office or live in close proximity to one another. We are located in various cities and in more than one province. Though we do get together when we can for team meetings, we do everything online or through tele-conferencing.

3.  We have a sense of humour. Taking yourself too seriously is a huge downfall in today’s market. And it’s boring. You’ll never see us writing a blog post about ourselves putting our clients to sleep. When we aren’t at work for you, we are enjoying our free time. You can’t work hard and do a good job for others if you aren’t looking after yourself.

4.  We WILL increase your sales. We treat your clients as people, not numbers and dollar signs. We hold actual conversations with them and they appreciate the personal touch.

AND, most importantly

5. We care about each other. The members of Demgen have an affection for each other that isn’t seen in any workplace or virtual team that I’ve come across. And THAT comes out in the way we help YOU grow your business.

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