“Art is never wrong, it makes me happy” – Rachel P. (age 7 ¾ artist)

Rachel or Ra (pronounced Ray) is the seven year old daughter of my life partner. We get along very well and share a creative passion. Every now and then we get into ART-Fest mode and paint/create for hours on the weekends.

One day while painting a floral landscape on a handmade birthday card for a friend, Rachel made a mistake. Leaning back in the chair, she briefly studied her work and the remaining options available. She concluded, “Art is never wrong” and proceeded to turn the ‘boo boo’ into a bug on a petal. I loved that!  She was so nonchalant, so self assured.

Applying this experience to the world of being an entrepreneur, I admit I have made a few ‘boo boos’ and potentially wrong assumptions over the years. I’ve certainly seen many others do the same.  The most successful have turned those experiences into something even better, just like Rachel.

My experiences in business as an entrepreneur fueled the creation of DemGen. I choose to view my previous canvases as evolving learning experiences that I’ve simply turned into a success. Just like a musical band that seemingly becomes an overnight success (with 5-10 years plus in the making), I have finally harnessed what was missing in my previous works of art and realize that many small businesses experience the same thing.

I love a good business, a sound model and the passionate entrepreneur that drives them. Like art, business is simply an idea that you can and should evolve. Master your craft, see how your audience reacts and what appeals to them and adapt. It’s just possible that business is never wrong, and I’m guessing that the better you master your work, the bigger the following, the more fun follows.

Side note: Watch for the premier of Rachel’s website www.artbyra.com coming early next year, I’ll keep you posted. I’m inspired watching Rachel refine her artist abilities and become an entrepreneur.

Healthy regards,

Gary Evans