Gary Evans

We’re more than half way through 2012…  Are you on track for 10x business growth?  The concept of 10x thinking was introduced to our team by Strategic Coach, of which I am a student.  And while assertive growth plans have always been a mainstay for us ~ I have found that projecting for 10x growth is an invigorating and worthy exercise.   The speed and pace of developments in business and technology means you should always be thinking BIG and focusing on the big picture.  Your competitors surely are.

The potential for enormous business growth is at your fingertips.  Technology, tools and systems are available to remove any limiting factors.

If you aren’t focusing on 10x growth, you need to take an honest and accurate account of your business.  Why don’t you believe this goal is achievable?  Do you have a Future Vision Map in place to achieve your goals?  “You’ll never reach your end destination if you aren’t clear on where you’re going” and “The best time to have a map is before you go into the woods” are common mantras from industry gurus.

At DemGen we always think BIG – both for our clients and ourselves.  We’ve been lucky to experience substantial growth in 2012 and felt the need to revisit our own Future Vision Map.  (There’s no better way to prove that our recommendations work than using ourselves as a case study!)  As we implement the resulting new strategies and systems we’re now putting in place, we’ll be sure to share our successes and any insights we learn along the way.

Since clarifying our vision, the good news just keeps rolling in!  We’re signing on new clients daily, and just as importantly, just renewed for another great year with our very first client from 6 years ago.  We love keeping our clients happy and surpassing their goals!  That’s why we do this in the first place…

Through my experience as a serial entrepreneur, I saw the need for DemGen after witnessing many businesses fail due to losing focus on the priorities and trying to do it all themselves.  We’ve since incorporated the lofty goal of fixing the economy with the help of our clients.  The ‘new economy’ will be forged by experts, like you, with specialized information to share!  Delegate what you want, when you want and pay only for the time you use.  We believe in the future, all support will be virtual…  (We’ve been saying this for over 6 years and are excited to see everyone finally ‘gets it’!)

When you’re ready to move the needle x10 for your business, we look forward to talking to you!

To your success ~ Let’s Grow!


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