where the magic happens

Our Quote of the Day today was from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous inauguration speech.  It inherently speaks to all phases of business growth.

This longer excerpt from the speech is certainly worth pondering:

“This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

These days, fear has become even more prevalent.  News is shared instantaneously internationally and unfortunately it’s usually bad news.  This has led our society to have a constant level of fear.  Add to that our business concerns and one can easily fall into ‘the fear’.

Ages ago, when all we had to worry about was simple survival, fear was necessary.  Fears of today tend to be of a more frivolous nature.

From business to economies to politics, everything is in constant motion.  To quote Geoffrey Chaucer, “All good things must come to an end”.  On the other hand, when things aren’t so good, better times are sure to follow.  Allowing fear to paralyze “needed efforts to convert retreat into advance” is a disservice to yourself and your business.

Life is like a roller coaster.  The ride may seem scary at times, but it’s also fun.  Without the ups and downs, the journey wouldn’t be as exciting.  We pay the price of admission for the thrill of the ride and the same is true for business.

Having the right perspective is the key to life.  If you have a clear future vision and know the steps you need to achieve it, you don’t have time for fear.  Your journey may take some detours and winding roads, but if you have confidence and a map, you will eventually reach your destination.

The next time you feel that sense of doubt or fear creeping in, ask yourself: “What’s the worst that can happen?”  The answer is always better than if you do nothing at all.


© Tamara Smith, DemGen Inc. 2013