We hope the following list will help you stay on track for 2012 and beyond!

1) Focus on Your Unique Skills

We all have special gifts. What are yours? There are things you can do that no one else can.

Take the time to take full account of your unique abilities!

Knowing the gift you have to share with the world will help your career – if you work for a company – and your business if you’re an entrepreneur.

The current state of the economy calls to each of us to operate at our full capacity in order to succeed. You need to know where you’re coming from to know where you’re going.

2) Have a Plan

What is your vision for the future?

It’s essential to map out your goals in advance if you want to achieve them.

Once you’re clear on the unique gift you have to share with the world, make an action plan to achieve your goals.

You may have a clear picture in your mind, but there’s no substitute to putting things in writing.

3) Ask for Help When You Need It

We all like to think we can do it all, until situations arise that prove otherwise.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! In order to grow, it’s necessary that we pass off tasks to others.

There are people out there with complementary unique skills that can handle the tasks you don’t enjoy!

4) Create Systems

When’s the last time you can remember having zero unread emails? Maintaining your inbox is a constant battle and that’s okay!

Realistically, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to keep up, so don’t get stressed out.

There are many online tools available to help you stay organized! Numerous free tools exist that can make your life easier, Google Documents and Calendars, or take a look at our toolkit.

If you’ve grown beyond the capabilities of free programs, the world is your oyster! Research what’s out there for what you need. When considering costs and your budget, don’t forget your time – it’s valuable!

5) Get Organized

A clean space makes for a clean mind, ready to create anew.

Whether it’s your home or your office (or both), removing the clutter is effective!

Remember the feeling you get when you finally file everything on your desk or vacuum and mop the floor…

It’s worth the time invested. Your productivity is sure to increase as a result!

6) Take Breaks

Sometimes it feels like we just can’t take a break. That’s not true.

In fact, taking a break will actually make you more productive in the long run.

We all want to do our best. Often to actually do so requires that we take a break. Stepping away provides clarity and insights that would not be realized otherwise.

7) Share the Joy

Did you have a great day? Make a huge sale? Let everyone know!

Social media has created a new realm of ‘conversations’. People want to know what you’re up to!

Quick positive updates allow others to share the joy and be inspired by you.

8) Continue Your Education

Live and learn.

Life is constantly teaching us lessons. Be aware!

The Internet also has a wealth of information on whatever topic your heart desires through webinars, e-books, blogs and more. Become an expert! Follow your interest.

9) Eat Right

Your body truly is your temple. Respect it.

We’re all very busy these days and it’s easy to fall into the habit of eating fast food. Remember that your body is like your car. We’re often more concerned with the grade of gas we put into our vehicles than with what we take into our bodies.

For one week, or even just a few days, eat more raw vegetables and see what happens.

10) Keep a Positive Outlook

There is no substitute for positive thinking.

We’ve heard it all before through popular self-help books, but it really works!

It’s easy to focus on the negative and such thoughts can become very overwhelming. In reality, things are never as bad as they may seem. Keeping perspective and looking towards the positive in the future is the best way to fix anything.

11) Believe in Yourself!

You are here, right now, for a reason.

It’s human nature to not give yourself enough credit. Pat yourself on the back, right now.

Take a moment to consider all of your achievements, your purpose, and your destiny. Be confident!