1. Business basics: understanding business methods, marketing and bookkeeping

  2. Motivation and ambition. The desire to get ahead and to bring others with you at the same time.

  3. Goal setting, while first knowing exactly where you want to be at a future date.

  4. Interested while disciplined. An entrepreneur must be curious about a variety of things in order to bring services/and or products to the public. At the same time, they must be disciplined enough to focus on the most important parts of their interests without becoming scattered.

  5. Communication. Not only speaking well but getting along with a variety of different personality types, both within the business and when dealing with clients.

  6. Decisive. Being able to make difficult decisions and choices that will help your business grow.

  7. Caring. Your customer has to come first.

  8. Integration. Work/life balance. Take the time off to rejuvenate so you can enjoy your business.



image by Pandiyan on Flickr