As we head into Global Entrepreneurship Week, or the second week of Entrepreneur Month in the US, one thing’s for certain – it’s all about entrepreneurs!

Personally, I have always been an entrepreneur.  I started my first business in grade one when I began renting out my markers to classmates.  (Too many people were ‘borrowing’ them and they kept running out!)  Apparently, that wasn’t okay with some parents and my mom got a call from the principal.  Luckily she thought my drive was a good thing and inspired me to continue…

Undeterred, I followed up with a shell selling business hocking my vacation finds in front of our house before major league football games – prime location.  To this day, I recall receiving one of the first ‘Loonies’ (the Canadian dollar coin) in circulation, all those decades ago.  My parents even thought it was a fake, having not seen one before.

Next were party planning and babysitting businesses involving friends – all before grade five.

This trip down memory lane led me to ask the question: Are entrepreneurs born or bred?

Though the entrepreneurial spirit was clearly always within me, I still dabbled in my fair share of corporate grind gigs.

I believe we are ALL entrepreneurs at heart.  Sometimes we just need that extra push to believe in ourselves and our vision.

This month is a great opportunity to look at what’s led you to where you are.  What unique talents have always been calling out to you?

As entrepreneurs, those gifts are what make our businesses successful, and allow us to contribute to each other and the world.

Let’s celebrate this time for entrepreneurs together!  Let’s appreciate the path that’s brought us to this point, the accomplishments we’ve made en route, and work together in complimentary ways.

Entrepreneurs are the way of the future!

(c) Tamara Smith, DemGen Inc. 2012