fear based business   A fear based business is usually a result of a “poverty” mindset. You are thinking you don’t have enough of what is needed to run your business successfully. This could be enough money, enough business experience, customers, marketing skills, etc.

Learning how to efficiently put the important things first with the least amount of effort can change your mindset from one of fear to one of being proactive. The “doing” part of the business helps you to actually think more positively while brooding over what you see as a lack of something can lead you to failure.

Put aside impractical ideas and processes. Though they may be useful for another type of business the possibility is that they don’t really don’t fit in with your vision well. If auto pilot doesn’t work for you and you find a more deliberate approach to working in your business feels better, then that is the way to go. Some of us prefer a more hands on, constructive approach to business that allows us to make more personal choices day to day.

If necessary, take the steps that will restructure your business along the lines that work for you and your lifestyle. Having a business that is at total odds with the way you live will just increase your doubts. It will all depend on what you wish to achieve within a certain time frame. Identifying the things that are holding you back (your fears) can help you to attain the level of success in your business that you are looking for.

Assessing each part of your business and what it does for you (or doesn’t) can help you to discard those ideas that aren’t helping you move forward and quite often are the things that are holding you back. Figuring out why you choose to go through the same motions which give you the same non stellar results will help you to avoid them in the future and decide on running your business in a way that is more to your personality and liking.

If you have to, go right back to a bare bones idea of your business and compare it with your idea of the perfect business. What would it take to get there and what steps would you need to take that you haven’t been taking? What have you been doing that you no longer need to do? The diverse paths that business owners take in their quest for their perfect business vary and also the length of time it takes as some business owners don’t really consider themselves to be “in” business until everything is perfectly set up the way they would like it. This is also basing your business on fear as you are thinking that unless you’ve dotted all of your I’s and crossed the T’s, something may go wrong at the last minute.

Have faith in yourself that you’re headed in the direction you need to be headed and keep going. Try combining your business with ongoing education that will cover other aspects of your business as this will give you the self confidence to at least try things you once were afraid of.

All in all, learning to run your business from your heart as well as your head will keep you from falling back on fears that come from outside and have no relevant part of what is really happening.

Chris Draper, DemGen Inc. 2014

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