Being a business owner and trying to keep your small business on track is a full time job. Planning for that needed vacation doesn’t have to be another item that adds stress to your already busy schedule.

While many dream of running a business, thinking it will leave them with lots of free time for that vacation they’ve always wanted, the reality can be much different.

The never ending demands of life, tasks that must be completed by a certain date and just the day to day running of the business can leave you with not only no time to get away but also little time for planning that getaway.

If you want to stay energized and healthy while keeping your business on the right track, taking a vacation isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.

How do you take the vacation you need?

  1. Decide where you want to go and how long you can stay away without affecting your business negatively. This also includes how long you feel comfortable with being away from your business!
  2. List the business tasks which have to be taken care of by you and under no circumstances can be handled by anyone else. While you’re at it, make a list of things at home that also need to be looked after e.g. Mail delivery, snow shovelling in winter, lawn trimming in summer.
  3. Decide who will be in charge and who will take care of your administration. This may be the time to invest in outsourcing. A good team that works well together and is used to handling multiple tasks can make your vacation worry free. Find one where you pay only for the time you use and keep your business moving along while in good hands.
  4. Be specific. Delegate certain responsibilities to your team, make sure they have all of the details needed and spend time with them before you leave. Let them get to know both you and your business.
  5. Handle your control issues ahead of time. Once you have that team in place and everyone knows their part in running your business while you are on vacation, relax and let them do their job! This is what they are good at and you need to take this time to rejuvenate.

There’s no question about it. Taking a vacation is a scary thing when you own a business but it’s also the way the best business owners manage their health – both physical and emotional. A healthy work-life balance will keep both of you striding along together for many years!

Chris Draper

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