A common question is posed about new businesses that rise to the top of the competition: How can the successful entrepreneur have pulled it off? Starting with zero and managing to take a fledgling company to the forefront of its niche in a relatively short period of time has got to be attributed to pure dumb luck!

Such an explanation may be a common rejoinder since the choice to establish an entrepreneurial business is not the normal avenue of career direction for the great majority. Luck in your favor is a good thing to have, no doubt, but attributing business success to that one factor is a mistake. If you are waiting for your own luck to show up and make your business happen, you are sacrificing a great many more probable routes to success. Don’t let this mythological explanation get in the way of good strategy, smart choices and bold actions.

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” ~ Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

Goethe was a master of enterprising choices, making his enduring mark in art, literature, theology, drama, philosophy and science. He was both a thinker and a doer, boldly following his dreams into the next new venture. He makes no mention of luck in this most famous of his quotes, but rather speaks of the “genius, power, and magic” of beginning whatever you can do or whatever you dream you can do.

Most entrepreneurs grow their dreams into a thriving business reality by taking some important steps rather than waiting for luck. The first key to success is to take the leap into the realm of the unknown and follow a dream. This step may seem obvious – without starting one has nothing to grow – but it may be the most common missing element. Hard work, intelligent consideration of the choices, skillful hiring, and decisive actions all combine to produce small and regular steps forward every day.

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