You are:

Not afraid of hard work.

If you were lazy at school or flitted from job to job looking for an easy living, the entrepreneurial lifestyle is not for you. Working from a home office puts you in charge of you and maybe others who you hire. What it comes down to is a lot of work, which means self-reliance.

Motivated and driven – you have ambition

For many years ambition was a dirty word, but how else can you describe someone who has the ability to get ahead on their own?


One of the most important abilities of someone who works on their own. If you can’t find your work, how will you complete it?

Strong and emotionally stable

We aren’t speaking of Herculean strength here; we mean the ability to keep going when the going gets tough. The bottom line – not breaking down in tears or frustration over the many tasks that have to be accomplished, especially when it seems they all have to be finished at one time.

Adaptable: independent and not afraid of change

Anyone starting a new business knows that they will have to change with the times. Fear of the future and what it may bring is not an option if you want to be successful.

Not easily swayed by the opinions of others; don’t follow the crowd

Being opinionated to the point of argument is carrying things too far; having your own ideas and sticking to them will bring you a long way.

Confident in the product or service you are selling or providing

Not being a believer in your own business will show to those you are trying to sell to. Having complete confidence in your work and the way you carry it out shows that you can get the job done.

Able to follow through on your plans and goals

A quitter will get nowhere when it comes to operating on their own. Going the extra mile time and time again will bring your business to the forefront among it’s competition. Have plans in place and don’t be afraid to change them as time goes by so your business is competitive with others.

Interested in a variety of new ideas and love to learn

Stagnation can put an end to your business or your ability to work from home. Keeping up with technology, trying out new ideas and always reading what you find interesting makes you an intriguing person. All of these things create an interest in your business and even more so, an interest in you!







image by Wonderlane

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