It’s no surprise that spending hours sitting in front of a computer screen can make you feel more sluggish than spending hours at the gym. Nothing zaps energy quite like the screen of a continuously running computer.

If you’re feeling the hit, especially with the warm weather coming, you might want to try a few of these tips to help boost your energy throughout the day.

1.    Swap soda for water.

Your favourite carbonated drink might be great at giving you a sudden boost of energy, but switching to water will have infinitely more positive health effects. Drinking water, especially in the morning, can help boost your metabolism and regulate your appetite.

2.    Make yourself a series of small snacks.

If you’re used to packing a lunch for your child, this will be easy enough. Snacking in between meals also helps regulate your appetite, and will stop you from overeating at meal times. It will also help keep you energized throughout the day. Snacks like vegetables and dip, Greek yogurt or Kefir (probiotic yogurt), a handful of nuts, or an apple with peanut butter are all great for in between meals.

3.    Stand up and take a walk once every hour.

If your schedule allows it, make time to stand up and walk around your house or office about once every hour instead of once a day at lunch, and not just to the fridge and back. Walking around for 5 to ten minutes will get the blood flowing, and give your brain a rest, allowing you to head back to work focused and ready to go again.

4.    Exercise your upper body while reading.

If you’re spending time reading emails or looking over documents, don’t be afraid to do some upper body exercises while you’re at it. Bicep curls, chest rows, and punches are all exercises that are specific to your arms and can be done while you’re sitting down. If you don’t have any hand weights available, a large bottle of water or can of soup work too!

If you’re looking for more ways to exercise during your break time at work, there are plenty of little routines that can be done in confined spaces. By focusing on your health at work, you’re not only helping yourself, but also helping your business.

Healthy entrepreneurs and coworkers call in to fewer sick days, and continue to produce great work, which makes for an overall healthier and more productive environment!


© Zoe Begopoulos, DemGen Inc 2013